Las soluciones de medición de caudal multifásico ofrecen información crítica sobre las corrientes de los pozos sin separación de fluidos. Información vital para optimizar la producción, la seguridad del caudal y el cumplimiento de la normativa con las soluciones más compactas y rentables.

La monitorización y el control permanentes de fondos de pozos permiten la monitorización continua de presiones y temperaturas para comprender la dinámica del entorno del fondo de pozo. Mediciones precisas, altamente estables y rentables adecuadas para los entornos de pozos profundos de temperaturas muy elevadas y más exigentes. 

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Campo petrolífero digital

Digital Oil Field
Measurement of multiphase and wet gas flow - Well and reservoir monitoring - Allocation metering - Well testing
Measurement of multiphase and wet gas flow
- Well and reservoir monitoring
- Allocation metering
- Well testing
Multiphase flow metering for mobile well testing application
Multiphase flow metering for mobile well testing application
Measurement of subsea multiphase and wet gas flow - Well and reservoir monitoring - Allocation metering -Flow assurance management
Measurement of subsea multiphase and wet gas flow
- Well and reservoir monitoring
- Allocation metering
- Flow assurance management
Wireless Annulus B Pressure and Temperature Monitoring
Wireless Annulus B Pressure and Temperature Monitoring
Water cut metering for - Pipeline and transportation - Onloading and offloading to refinery
Water cut metering for
- Pipeline and transportation
- Onloading and offloading to refinery
Water cut metering for - Offloading of crude oil
Water cut metering for
- Offloading of crude oil
Measurement of multiphase and wetgas flow - Well and reservoir monitoring - Allocation metering - Well testing - Fiscal metering system input
Measurement of multiphase and wet gas
- Well and reservoir monitoring
- Allocation metering
- Well testing
- Fiscal metering system input
Water cut metering for - Onloading of crude oil - Fiscal metering skids - Production separator metering
Water cut metering for
- Onloading of crude oil
- Fiscal metering skids
- Production separator metering
Measurement of multiphase and wet gas flow - Well and reservoir monitoring - Allocation metering - Well testing
Measurement of multiphase and wet gas
- Well and reservoir monitoring
- Allocation metering
- Well testing


Noticias y artículos

Learn how the Roxar Subsea Wetgas Meter delivers critical decision support in deep water gas development

Learn how the Roxar 2600 Multiphase Flow Meter Performance Monitoring Service maximizes the performance of multiphase flow meters

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